We want the game to be accessible. You should not have to pay $800 for a meet and greet. We've changed it up. Everyone has the opportunity to meet the artists, some people are just more likely. Imagine it as if you bump into them walking down the street. Pick your direction, the level YOU want to interact. And let the magic begin. Points can be redeemed for level upgrades, or spend a little extra for a lot of content.
1st Level - This level allows users to view livestream of concerts without any additional VR experience. It is an entry-level tier for the user that wants to view the concert but does not want to participate in the virtual reality or gaming experience. $15.00.
2nd Level + - This level and the following levels are dependent upon the VR technology and experience that the user has. So that way everyone can enjoy the experience, but the costs surrounding VR are not a barrier. $30.00.
VIP - Users at this level are entitled to some “behind the scenes” extras, unique customization from artists. More opportunities to interact with artists. $50.00.